Our Services
Congregate Meals (Site Meals) – Provides – to an eligible client or other eligible participant at a nutrition site, senior center or some other congregate setting – a meal which: complies with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (published by the Secretaries of the Department of Health and Human Services and the United States Department of Agriculture.) Must have current assessment on file.
- Contributions are accepted at each Meal Site to support individual program. Suggested client contribution for Congregate Meal is $5.00 per meal.
Home Delivered Meals – Provides one meal a day to an eligible client or other eligible participant at the client’s place of residence, a meal which: complies with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (published by the Secretaries of the Department of Health and Human Services and the United States Department of Agriculture. Must have current assessment on file.
- Contributions are accepted for home delivered meals to support individual program. Suggested client contribution for home delivered meals is $5.00 per meal.
- Priority is given to clients with no support available to them and based on their assessment score.
Nutrition Education – A program to promote better health by providing accurate and culturally sensitive nutrition, physical fitness, or health (as it relates to nutrition) information and instruction to participants or participants and caregivers in a group or individual setting overseen by a dietitian or individual of comparable expertise. Must have current assessment on file.
Information and Assistance – A service for older individuals that:
- provides the individuals with current information on opportunities and services available to the individuals within their communities, including information relating to assistive technology;
- assesses the problems and capacities of the individuals;
- links the individuals to the opportunities and services that are available; and, to the maximum extent practicable, ensures that the individuals receive the services needed, and are aware of the opportunities available, establishing adequate follow-up procedures.
Food Stamp Application Assistance– The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) a service for eligible and older individuals that:
- provides monthly benefits that help eligible low-income households buy the food they need for good health;
- most households must meet both the gross and net income test, but a household with a person who is 60 years old or older or a person who is receiving certain types of disability payments only has to meet the net income test;
- Applications are taken at Bearkat on Thursdays from 9:00am to 1:00pm by appointment only calling (318)741-8302;
- If you are unable to schedule an appointment, you may go directly to the Department of Children and Family Services by clicking on the following link: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) | Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services.
Transportation – Provision of a means of going from one location to another. Must have current assessment on file.
- Non-Medicaid Medicals (available throughout Bossier Parish) – medical appointments, dialysis and therapy. Client must call ahead and reserve space, please give at least 7-10 day notice.
- We are proud to be able to offer FREE rides for all vision related appointments for qualified seniors. Funding from iTN America & Regeneron ‘Rides in Sight’ will cover 100 one-way rides (50 round-trips) for senior clients access vision care. Must have current assessment on file.
- There will be a fee of $5.00 each way/stop for all non-Medicaid medicals.
- ADA Title VI Form English Version – ADA Title VI Form English Version (click on link to print form)
- ADA Title VI Form Spanish (Espanol) Version – ADA Title VI Form Spanish Version (click on link to print form)
- Grocery Store-(shopping assistant not provided) – Suggested contribution – $5.00
- Bossier City – Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Benton- call for availability
- Haughton Site – call for availability
- Senior Center/Congregate Meal Pickup – Pick up available at clients home (available in Bossier City and Benton ). Client must call ahead and reserve space. Suggested client contribution is $5.00 per trip.
- Activity Outings – transportation provided for outings coordinated by sites. Client must reserve space with Activity Director/Site Director. Suggested client contribution will vary based on outing.
- Barksdale Air Force Base (Commissary/Base Exchange) – Available in Bossier City only. Pick up available at clients home and to store (shopping assistance not provided-must have BAFB ID). Client must call ahead and reserve space. Suggested client contribution is $5.00 per trip.
- Post Office – Suggested contribution – $5.00
- Banks – Suggested contribution – $5.00
- Social Security Office – Suggested contribution – $5.00
- Pharmacy – Suggested contribution – $5.00 (Trips to the pharmacy without an appointment are now subject to transportation driver approval. Please ensure that you communicate your pharmacy needs in advance to facilitate a smooth approval process. For any other stops not listed above, approval from the Director will be required.)
o This service is also available to individuals residing in senior apartments and/or assisted living facilities.
Recreation – Providing individual and group activities that promote social interaction and well-being. Must have current assessment on file.
- Arts and Crafts, Bean Bag Baseball, Bingo.
- Cards, dominoes and puzzles are available at any time.
Wellness – Activities designed to provide services which will support and/or improve the older persons mental and/or physical well-being, e.g., exercise/physical fitness, health screening.
- Exercise equipment available for use at your discretion at senior centers.
- Aerobic and low impact chair aerobic exercise is available.
Material Aid – Issuing assistive devices and other goods, e.g., Walkers, wheelchairs, fans, commodities, personal hygiene items. Must have current assessment on file.
Medical Alert – Referral to a life alert call system that provides a nominal discount.
Homemaker – Provide assistance to persons with the inability to perform one or more of the following instrumental activities of daily living: preparing meals, shopping for personal items, managing money, using the telephone or doing light housework. Must have current assessment on file.
- Contributions are accepted at time of service. Suggested Contribution is $10.00 a visit.
- Priority is given to clients with no support available to them and based on their assessment score.
Caregiver Support Services (NFCSP):
NFCSP Information & Assistance – A service for older individuals or their caregivers that:
- provides the individuals with current information on opportunities and services available to the individuals within their communities, including information relating to assistive technology;
- assesses the problems and capacities of the individuals;
- links the individuals to the opportunities and services that are available; and
- to the maximum extent practicable, ensures that the individuals receive the services needed by the individuals, by establishing adequate follow-up procedures
NFCSP In-Home Respite – Personal care services provided in the home of the qualifying individual in order to provide a brief period of rest for the client.
- Contributions are accepted at time of service. Suggested Contribution is $10.00 a visit.
- Priority is given to clients with no support available to them and based on their assessment score.
NFCSP Material Aid– Issuing nutritional drinks, adult diapers, adult pullups, bed pads, assistive devices and other goods, e.g., walkers, wheelchairs, fans, commodities, personal hygiene items. All items are subject to availability.
NFCSP Public Education – Basic, remedial, or continuing education services to assist individuals to acquire knowledge about services and/or skills suited to their needs and/or caregiving role and needs. This service is in a group setting. It includes contacts with several current or potential clients/caregivers. Examples of activities that qualify as this service are providing educational seminars or the lending or showing of educational tapes, and distributing brochures
NFCSP Outreach – Interventions initiated by an agency or organization for the purpose of identifying potential clients or their caregivers and encouraging their use of existing services and benefits.
Support Groups – A group of people who meet together for fellowship and to share their experiences, strengths, hopes and difficulties with each other so that they may solve common problems and help fellow caregivers. Bearkat Site is available to host and sponsor groups that focus on senior needs/issues. Contact us for more information.
Legal Assistance – Provision of legal advice, counseling and representation by an attorney or other person acting under the supervision of an attorney.
- Attorney visits at each site (check schedule or call for date).
- Clients may also call Legal Aid of North Louisiana (318) 222-7186 or (800) 826-9265. Legal Aid for Bossier Parish Seniors Information (Click on the Icon for Shreveport Office)
Outreach – Interventions initiated by an agency or organization for the purpose of identifying potential clients (or their caregivers) and encouraging their use of existing services and benefits.
Public Education – Basic, remedial, or continuing education services to assist individuals to acquire knowledge about services and/or skills suited to their own needs and/or caregiving role and needs.